Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Parental "aahhhhh" Moment #932

I can't remember the last time I had a pleasant dinner. I once read that a 10 minute dinner time period is all a toddler can handle. So once I get the little one served, I have about 5 minutes if I am lucky to scarf down the dinner before she announces she is done, and about 30 seconds after that announcement before the remains of dinner are scattered onto the floor.

This is the seat she has eaten in since she could sit up. We never had the traditional high chair- this one was much more space friendly, and not to mention portable. In the past few months we have tried different seating arrangements- the seat using the tray, the seat as a booster seat at our table, different placement around the table. Nothing seemed to prolong her dinner time frame- and frankly I am tired of cleaning the floor.

So after we got settled from Christmas, family visits and birthday parties I had a light bulb go off. How about putting her new table and chairs into the dining room and letting her eat at her own table. I mean after all, she sits at a child size table at daycare to eat.

Ahhhh, and here is the result. A happy dinner time, no food on the floor, and I think I actually tasted my food for the first time in months!

A side note- the chair is only there for dinner time. She has temporarily had her chairs taken away (except for dinner and coloring time)- she has taken to carrying them around the house to climb over or get into anything she pleases. Oh well, at least dinner time is enjoyable.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's so cute to see her sitting at her little table. What a great idea! Anytime you want a nice quiet meal, feel free to come over. It's pretty quiet around here these days :).