Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Time for goodbye's

I hate good-byes. I have had my share of them in the past. Good bye to my "BFF's" in high school (whom I lost touch with), good bye to my college roomies (whom I miss very much), good bye to friends and family as I moved across the country.

And now it's time for another. This week we are saying good bye to our dear friends The Sellers, who are setting out for Savannah, TN. But this time is different. This is the first time I've had to say good bye to someone as a family, someone that all of us are close to. It's amazing how you can pray that God will put some friends in your life that will make a difference and that you know right away that you will still be friends with when you are old and rocking on the porch (drinking sweet tea, of course. Just give in, Becca).

But it's even harder this time cause I have had to tell Madeline that her boyfriend "Piton" is moving away......

We miss you already Sellers Family. See you at the inaugural "SG Reunion" in Gatlinburg!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kids say the weirdest things....

Kids are hilarious. They say and do the funniest things- and sometimes it's hard to not laugh (when they do/say something they shouldn't).

So here is the latest "Oh My moment."

We are on our way to church Sunday evening when I hear Madeline say, "Look at the butt, Mommy." Strange, I think. I know she can't get out of her car seat, so I am pretty confident that it isn't her butt I am suppose to look at. I turn around to see what she is doing and I had to contain myself before I could even say anything. Look what your daughter is doing I tell Chris. So he too turns around, Madeline says "Look at the butt, Daddy" as he quickly turns back to me and say "Oh my, where did she learn that."

What was she doing?

She had her knee straight out in front of her and she had the skin on her knee folded so it resembled a butt.

Now let me tell you, the adult in me thought that was hilarious, but the Mommy in me hid the laugh. She did her new trick again on the way home from school on Monday (this time she told me that she learned it at school). I very nicely told her that nice little girls don't talk about butts......

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


August began with some wonderful celebrations!!!

Chris' b-day was started early in the morning by this greeting......

Does it get any sweeter than that? This was really the first birthday that she really understood what a birthday was. She sang to Chris all week!! The day was capped off with a great steak at Texas Road House with some dear friends!!

We also celebrated Drew & Laurie's wedding!! Thanks to Angela, Aunt Bernie, Uncle Durwood, Samantha and Nonny for watching Madeline so mommy and daddy could go to the wedding as adults!!!