Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday To My Little Girl!!!!

My little girl turns the big "2" today.

As I remember back to this day 2 years ago, it makes me wonder "What did I ever do before I had her?" It seems that our lives revolve around her. We plan our outings around nap time, meals around her meal time, and decide whether to go someplace depending on how 'angry toddler' friendly they are. Luckily we have a few 'safe' places as we call them- places to eat, shop, entertain.

However, what I think I have done more than anything since I have had her is laugh. She does the funniest things. I find myself just laughing and shaking my head wondering what made her say or do that? Last night had she had 2 funny moments.

I have a collendar in the bath tub for her to put her bath toys in. It has been fun to watch her try to fill it up with water. But last night she discovered that it made a great hat. She insisted that 'I show Daddy,' but not even that was good enough. She insisted that the cat Ginger (or GiGi as she calls her) come and see her to. No surprise here, but the cat was completely uninterested.

Bed time came too early, so she played even after I shut her door and turned the light off. After about 15 minutes I heard silence, so I figured she was asleep. I opened the door to find her diaperless- well kinda- she had a swim diaper on. Well, sort of on...both legs were through one leg hole. She promptly stood up and said 'I wear pull up.' I told her she was wearing a swim diaper. She then had to walk into the living room to model for Daddy and tell him that she was going 'swimmin.'

She never ceases to amaze me. Everyday it's something new. Something funny. Something only a 2 year old would think of. Thank you little girl for opening my eyes to your world.

1 comment:

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Happy Birthday to the Little Doll! (Or is she a Bellette? Or a Belle-in-Training?)

You're so's hard to imagine life without them, isn't it?