Friday, May 9, 2008

In the Wild

We recently took a family trip to the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro. The NC Zoo is wonderful- over 5 miles of walking trails. The zoo is broken up into 2 sections- Africa and North America. The Africa side has recently undergone some renovations, and it was absoulutely beautiful. All of the trails are shaded, and the exhibits are large open open areas, providing the animals natural habitat (or as natural as you can get for the middle of the NC). This allows you to see the animals as several points along the trail.

Madeline talked all week about wanting to see the elephants. While we were there, the elephants were cooling themselves by throwing dirt on themselves- she thought this was really cool.

I think her favorite animal ended up being the Baboon's (bad mom- no pictures). She laughed so hard at the baby babboons chasing one another, tackling one another, and pull each other off the rock by the tail. The next day she asked if the babboon's had to go to 'time out.' Well, at least she understands the purpose of time out!

Here are a few more pictures from our trip. I would highly recommend the NC Zoo. Long nap guaranteed.

1 comment:

Fifi said...

Africa..... ahh, that's where I'm from!
One of my favourite animals is the giraffe... great pic!

Nice to meet you!