Monday, July 21, 2008

California- hot temps, high gas, one pound burgers and Sweet Tea???

We made our whirlwind trip to Cali to visit the family last week (5 days, 5 airports). This trip was a real test- as I made the flight alone with a 2 year old (wow JT- I admire you and your long flights). Luckily for me, Madeline is fascinated with the airplanes and the hope of seeing the pilot. Although she knows that planes go in the sky, she wasn't too keen on the idea of US going in the sky. So to calm her fears, I assured her that we were going on the new plane that did not go into the sky. Then the landing came, and since we never took off, there was no need to land, right? Each segment ended with her standing in her seat yelling "Good Job, Pilot."

As I have mentioned before, there are a few thing that I do miss about of course my trip included a trip to Mervyn's, See's Candy and Me & Ed's pizza. However I was devastated when I got back to NC only to realize that my stash of Linguisa was still in my brother's freezer in Cali.

Here are the highlights of out most recent trip:

High Temps- The thermometer was topping out about 105 while we were there...but hey, it's a DRY HEAT (after living in the dry heat and the humid south, I can safely say that HOT is HOT).

High Gas....the picture says it all.

One Pound Burgers- My parents have a restaurant near the house that they frequent--and so that meant that we became frequent eaters there (in Fresno for 2 1/2 days...we ate there 4 times). Luckily the grub is pretty good and they have a nice variety. My brother and sister-in-law joined us for dinner, and my brother decided to take on the "El Capitan"- a mammoth one pound burger.

Yep- he finished it. He was suppose to get his picture on the wall, but they were having technical difficulties with the camera (or maybe it was operator error).

Sweet Tea- McDonalds here in the south has recently added Mickey D's sweet tea to their menu. No surprise as sweet tea is a staple in the south. Our many airport stopovers included a trip to Pittsburgh, PA. I was really surprised to see Mickey D's sweet tea on the menu(mid- Virginia is about the cut off for sweet tea). This made me it possible that the rest of the U.S. is getting to experience the heaven that is SWEET TEA?????

AHHHHH, there it was, in Modesto, CA--my brother surprised me with a Mickey D's sweet tea. So enjoy all of you non-southerners.....

(Side note- My dad said they had a poster in the McDonalds in Fresno advertising the "New Southern Style Chicken Biscuit" --followed by the Spanish translation, of course).

So, Chicken Biscuits and Sweet Tea in Cali-is that enough to entice me to move back? No, I think I enjoy the humidity!!

1 comment:

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Sweet tea at McD's???? Darn it! They don't do that at the ones here! :( Will have to get some when we go home for a visit...