Monday, December 31, 2007

My New Year’s Resolution- ME.

Every year I, like most other people make a resolution for the new year, and for the past countless number of years, mine has been to lose weight. I’m sure you hear the commercials every day for the great deals that the gyms offer this time of year. If you continue to stay committed to the gym past about 3 months, you see the gym populations gradually decline as most people forget about their resolution and go back to their old habits and ways. Those people that were so motivating (the gym, the ‘free’ trainers, etc) have forgotten about your resolution, also.

So this year my New Year’s Resolution is ME. I am going to work on myself- physically, spiritually, and mentally. I am going to work on improving my health, my spirit, work on being a better wife, mother- just work on being a better me. And I have learned that the only way to do this is on your own. I have a great support system in my friends and family, but every year I break my New Year’s Resolution, even with their support and encouragement. So this year I am going to be my own motivator and cheerleader. After all, if I can’t make myself do it, then no one will.

Here’s to a wonderful 2008!

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