Thursday, November 15, 2007

What's so great about sweet tea?

I lived most of my life drinking iced tea. To me there was only one kind of tea, and if you wanted to sweeten it, you added sugar. Now this was something that never made much sense to me, because the sugar never fully dissolved. It seems you were always left with a sugary mess at the bottom of your class. Then I visited the south, and wow, were my eyes opened.
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was having lunch with my cousin and as I ordered an iced tea, she informed me that I would get 'sweet tea' unless I specifically ordered 'unsweet tea.' Well, I was going to put sugar in it anyways, so I'll just take it sweet. That first sip was heaven- wonderfully sweet and refreshing. I remember thinking, how have I lived all these years without sweet tea. Needless to say, I was- and still am addicted.
Now years later, living in the heart of sweet tea-land, I often tell people that the love of sweet tea was my reasoning for moving to the south. Was it really? Well, ya'll come on down and try some- and decide for yourself.

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