Saturday, August 15, 2009

Holy Ikea......

Chris celebrated his birthday this month with a birthday dinner at his favorite restaurant, Ted's Montana Grill. Although Madeline was terrified of the mac & cheese, we had a great time.

Chris decided that for his birthday, he wanted to drive to Charlotte to check out Ikea. We knew they had cool furniture, and he found a chair online that he wanted to look at. So we loaded up the 'Calibré' and set out to experience the icon that is......
All I can say is WOW. We had no idea the treat we were in for. We walked in to discover that they offer 1 hour of free child care. Madeline was up for it and spent the time climbing the rock wall and drawing. This left us in a sprint to experience all we could in an hour. If you have never been to Ikea, think about checking it out. They have EVERYTHING and the best thing (besides how cool the stuff is), is that it is cheap (as in inexpensive.....).

Out friend, who introduced us to Ikea told us to have some meatballs for him. We thought he was just making a joke since Ikea is a Swedish company. But no, he was referring to the meatballs you can get in the cafe. Again...WOW is all I can say. Meatballs in cream sauce, mashed potatoes and Lingonberry sauce- yum-o!!!

And this for almond cake!!!

So after 2 1/2 hours (and that is a sprint through the store) and full bellies, Chris decided on the ever popular POÄNG chair and footstool.

Compliments my new red couch, don's ya think????


Unknown said...

Oh we LOVE our poang chair!!!! I don't know how I'd survive without it! :)

Love the black with the red! Not as Christmasy as my white with red, lol :)

The Cowgirl said...

ah, the land of Swedish domination :) man, we almost live at Ikea...even the boy says 'mom, can we go to Ikea today?'

come to Germany...I'll take you on an Ikea road trip :)